Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Oriental waters

I don't remember the last time I touched my watercolors, but i'm slowly getting back into it. This was made the same way I did my previous watercolor works. The background was laid down first on the already pre-sketched drawing. Then I went in with a 3.0 Needle Tip EnerGel pen from Pentel. These are really cheap and you can get them at your local staples. Then I went in with my Faber-Castell PITT artist pen to add any extra colors. It was primary used in coloring the Japanese white eye and the sakura petals. Then I finished off with a signature at the lower left corner. Putting the kanji for the word: kakumei and my name.

This piece was done the same way, with the same materials. I chose you model the animals after boars that are local to japan or china. Then I finish with the kanji for pig/boar. This drawing was inspired by the concept of the year of the boar which I spot multiple drawings online when I was browsing.

This all I have so far, but I will keep adding more work. So stay in tune and keep following and commenting on my word. Thank you for your time and patience.

The Long Awaited Return

 Hey guys, after a long period I'm finally back. I have been gone for a while due to laziness and also because of a few problems that popped up. I had to deal with them and I had to find myself. Yet I kept working on my art and improving as much as I can. I'm now currently in college studying to become a 2d animator. So I have been working with programs like Maya and After Effects. So I'm really sorry that I have been gone for a long time. Yet it seems that all people that followed me are gone. I guess that's the price for my absence. Yet I'm back and I will try to post as often as I can. So please follow and comment on my work. I want your opinions, good or bad, I don't care. It will help me grow as a artist and now as a animator. Besides my art, I started a 4th rewrite of my book and I will take down my current version from all sales. Otherwise nothing else has changed much. I hope this blog will gain the traffic it once had. So please comment and follow me.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

War and kingdoms

I fell in love with this great manga called Kingdom. Which has 500+ chapters and 77 episodes. Don't watch the anime. It's OK, but the 3d models is what ruins it. It doesn't do the manga justice and falls a little short. The show takes place in the seven warring states period in the kingdom of Qin. The main character is Ri Shin/Hi Xin who is a slave boy who dreams to become the greatest general under the heavens. So the manga follows the journey of this boys rise in the ranks of the Qin military. The story is good as well as the illustrations. The size and story telling of the military campaigns are amazing. There is complicated and real military formation and strategy as well as politics that keeps you engaged. As a fan, I created my own unit. It took a long time as I had to create seven characters with different personalities and looks along with the flag. This is the Renxin (Will of the people) unit. A unit that fight for it's country and most importantly the people. It is led by Lai Dai (Middle person with sword) orphan that was adopted by Lai Shou. After taking the Lai name as his own, he was granted the ability to gain his fortune in battle. He is now a 5000 men general. With three lieutants (Only two shown one on his right and left.) And many generals. (the remaining guys are 300 men generals and the girl with the mouse is a 100 men general.) This took me 5 days to draw. It's made out of ink for the outline and color pencils. Watch and read kingdom and we'll see if you will enjoy it as much as me.