Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Oriental waters

I don't remember the last time I touched my watercolors, but i'm slowly getting back into it. This was made the same way I did my previous watercolor works. The background was laid down first on the already pre-sketched drawing. Then I went in with a 3.0 Needle Tip EnerGel pen from Pentel. These are really cheap and you can get them at your local staples. Then I went in with my Faber-Castell PITT artist pen to add any extra colors. It was primary used in coloring the Japanese white eye and the sakura petals. Then I finished off with a signature at the lower left corner. Putting the kanji for the word: kakumei and my name.

This piece was done the same way, with the same materials. I chose you model the animals after boars that are local to japan or china. Then I finish with the kanji for pig/boar. This drawing was inspired by the concept of the year of the boar which I spot multiple drawings online when I was browsing.

This all I have so far, but I will keep adding more work. So stay in tune and keep following and commenting on my word. Thank you for your time and patience.

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