Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Long Awaited Return

 Hey guys, after a long period I'm finally back. I have been gone for a while due to laziness and also because of a few problems that popped up. I had to deal with them and I had to find myself. Yet I kept working on my art and improving as much as I can. I'm now currently in college studying to become a 2d animator. So I have been working with programs like Maya and After Effects. So I'm really sorry that I have been gone for a long time. Yet it seems that all people that followed me are gone. I guess that's the price for my absence. Yet I'm back and I will try to post as often as I can. So please follow and comment on my work. I want your opinions, good or bad, I don't care. It will help me grow as a artist and now as a animator. Besides my art, I started a 4th rewrite of my book and I will take down my current version from all sales. Otherwise nothing else has changed much. I hope this blog will gain the traffic it once had. So please comment and follow me.

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