Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Flowers and colors

This piece is called Precious red water lily was made for my mother on mother's day. So this was made a month ago or so in art class. It has three to four layers of acrylic paint applied to it. The colors I used was red, white, blue, purple, orange, and yellow. The water itself is three layers of blue, purple, then blue and purple. The flower was made with red and the lighter tones were made with white mixed with red. Then yellow and orange was added to it. After that as a final touch, I pecked the middle with the brush to create the specks. 

This a abstract piece that I created for fun. I had a to of trouble with this, but it was easy once I stopped pondering about it. It was done with red, green, black and green acrylic paint. Then I used some paste to make it 3D like. There is nothing else I can say about it.

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