Wednesday, April 20, 2016

New and Old ages

These are pictures of my first and final draft of "Lady Takeda." This design was first made with pencil and markers on a small scale. Then once approved it was enlarged to a 8 x 7 inch's frame and size. Then It was turned into a negative, where the red was added to the black to become white. I used black Inko dye on the t-shirt and left it in the sun for about 15 minutes. Then I covered it up and brought it home, putting it into two washes. With the first with Inkowash on cold and the second with detergent on hot. Then with Stained sharpie markers, I added the red and that's how I created the "Lady Takeda"

This a old drawing I did for my story The fall of the Lotus. It was done with just rose art pencils and a pencil. This is one of my more laid back and simple artworks. Although there is a lot of meaning in the drawing. Try looking for the meanings and comment what you notice in the drawing. I tell you how close you are to guess the story.

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